

英 ['pɒlɪtɪks] 美['pɑlətɪks]
  • n. 政治,政治学;政治活动;政纲


Although Leslie's book isn't about politics, he doesn't entirely shy away from the problem.

2017年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.

2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

Instead, topping the list of reasons, about four-in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business, where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves.

2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

Most urban Africans work for a small minority of the rich, who tend to be involved in either cronyish businesses or politics.

2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C

Only about one-in-five say women's family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren't more females in top leadership positions in business and politics.

2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

Honorary degrees are often conferred on non-academic leaders in the arts,business,and politics.


Trying to quantify or measure the impact of women in politics is hard because in very few countries have there been enough women in politics to make a difference,"says Anne-Marie Goetz, peace and security adviser for U.N. Women.


They are underrepresented in politics.


Their own interpretation of American politics.


They are indifferent to politics


Do some research on local politics.


In our interviews, many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste.

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

The old days of the Antarctic being dominated by the interests and wishes of white men from European, Australasian and North American states are over, "said Klaus Dodds, a politics scholar at the University of London who specialises in Antarctica.

2016年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

Accordingly, newspapers were read almost only by rich people in politics or the trades.

2019年高考英语全国卷3 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

Teachers inspire students' love for politics.

2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读B 选项

And ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years.

2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

From career to community and family, these contrasts suggest that in the aftermath of the searing Great Recession, those just starting out in life are defining priorities and expectations that will increasingly spread through virtually all aspects of Amer

2016年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs'continuing popularity as heads of state.

2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely tied.

2012年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, as a result, convincing as law.

2012年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

The framers of the Constitution envisioned law as having authority apart from politics.

2012年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics.

2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there is still a line between the court and politics.

2012年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

This kind of thinking is why so many people try to avoid arguments, especially about politics and religion.

2020年考研真题(英语一)翻译 Section Ⅲ

When public opinion is particularly polarized, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above "mere" politics and "embody" a spirit of national unity.

2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ